
By Shonie

Like a Fish in Water

Well, I have sadly let everyday crazyness get in the way and have missed a couple of blips :(
Work work and uni work and general home life stuff (dogs/cleaning/shopping) have all been abit mental this week. But happyness arrived with 2 days off and they have been pretty good ones.
Yesterday we slept ridiculously late and then went into town for a walk round and to post my mum and her partner Carols anniversary gift. My mum and Carol had a civil ceremony 3 years ago and it was beautiful and such an amazing day...cant believe it was already 3 years ago!
Logs then tried on a lovely wool winter coat and was unsure whether to get it, he had however saved all his tips so was sitting pretty nicely. It was the time old debate of treat yourself v.s save all the paper pennies. I told him f**k it! You earned it - treat yourself. My tips mainly go on sugar free caramel lattees from Costa but.... hey a wool coat was his way to go. And it is lovely and he looks SO handsome :)

We bought lots of DVDs in HMV and watched some of those when we got home. I also did some presentation preparation as its tomorrow.
Today we took his lovely nieces swimming and it was awesome, cant remember last being swimming, although the slide called Cannonball is called that for a reason. It is alot higher than you think and your fall is alot more deep - my nose piercing nearly came out and I had a horrific hungry bum where bikini bottoms are concerned.
We then took the girls for a pancake. We then headed to buy a new lid for our fish tank as we are inheriting some terrapins in the next few days.
Logs cooked us a lovely tea of fish-cakes, mash and veg and after a fry up and pancakes with cream and toffee sauce something remotely healthy was a welcome treat.
So that is all.. having an early night before tomorrows presentation, nerves are cranking up a gear now. Until tomorrow :)

S x

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