In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


I took a few pictures today which I was considering using, but I was not 100% happy with them. Then later on at night, sitting outside a nightclub, I saw this advert on the back of these new style telephone boxes (?), and thought to myself, " Perfect."
On the day that the Wayne Rooney gets, as expected, a 3 match ban for kicking that Montenegro player, this is more than a touch ironic.
What is awful and extremely blinkered, is the view of ex team mate, Phil Neville, who proclaimed on Radio 5 live, "That it was a terrible decision, and if it had been a German or Dutch or whatever player they wouldn't have even got a one match ban."
Well we all know that generally football players are thick as the proverbial short planks, but, they would have gotten a red card for the same offense, and that is an automatic one match ban. I also believe that another player, non English, whose name escapes me at the moment, received the same punishment for the same offense.
Anyway, any other top player would not have so blantantly kicked an opponent for nothing.

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