
By karenjulia


An absolutely crap week in many ways. So much to plan at work but of course nothing stays still so trying to manage the change I want to make is like trying to pin down smoke; trying to make major decisions this week in the absence of key members of my staff; Kariba homesick and a bit panicky about exams last night; and an essay weighing heavily on my mind because I've farted around all month and tried to deny it was there to do....

On a good note looks like EQC might have recognised Mum's house needs a bit more than resin squirted into the many cracks in the concrete pad (one is 10mm wide) and some paint to repair it and are sending an engineer next week; mum may get the back surgery she's waited months for next week and my ankle ultrasound found that I have torn 3 ligaments so I've been strapped up for a week which makes the pain a bit more bearable!

And its Friday night. And the All Blacks will win the World Cup very soon!

PS My mother will say in her comment that these remind her of custard and cream. I know because they remind me too

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