
By Serap

Meet Flash!

There's a ginger cat who hangs around here - I wouldn't call her "ours", but she has her own food bowl outside, and I look after her as much as she allows me to. I'm trying to catch her and have her spayed, but she's either pregnant or has a litter of kittens to take care of... unfortunately she's on her 4th litter now, and it is now my aim to get her sorted before we move. When she has kittens, she hides them from me for a good 3 months, and then comes and dumps them on my doorstep when she feels they are big enough. Yesterday she came with her most recent litter - 4 kittens in total, 2 ginger ones, 1 tortoiseshell and then, bringing in the rear was this tiny little black runt... so small that we doubted for a while if he/she was part of the litter or not. The others have run off today and left the little runt behind, and we've decided to name him/her Flash (I was watching the news and there was a woman from the Pylon Appreciation Society called Flash!). Flash has been in and out all day, eating biscuits and taking refuge under the sofa, but not letting us getting anywhere near. We'll get there eventually!

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