
We headed off to explore Wawel hill (pronounced Vavel) which is home to Krakows' castle and cathedral.

It was bucketing with rain and it turned out that the schools have a week of teaching on the hoof so it seemed that the entire population of schoolkids were under our feet. There were queues a mile long to get into anything so, having already been soaked to the skin we gave up and left.

It was a great oppertunity to check behind some of the big doors that are all over the place.

There are some lovely courtyard gardens tucked away. Some of the courtyards have sculptures.

On the street we had a laugh at some of the workmen and their lack of health and safety rules. These lampstandards are cast iron and weigh a ton but to hell with canes/hoists/pulleys etc - 4 guys just muscled it upright and grunted and groaned it into place and held it while somebody else bolted it down ..... then the guy with the screwdriver stands in the digger bucket and gets lifted up to put the top on. 5 minutes - job done (down the road from me they are changing lamps and it takes about 2 hours for each one ...... and they close off an entire lane of the road).

Having got back (nearly) to the apartment we stopped off at our favorite cafe bar (Dym) for a coffee and a heat. My favorite waitress was there so the cockles of my heart were warmed straight off.

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