Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Together Forever

These two characters were given to Blaine when he was a baby, so that makes them 12yrs old. The knitted one was from my Mum and the teddy was from my sister-in-law, and together they have stayed with us. all this time during house-floods, and moving homes both locally and internationally, they were passed onto Aiden when she was around 3yrs old and she still enjoys playing with them today.

It's lovely to keep something special for years to come, I had a stone waterbottle which I moved from Scotland in 1981 to SA and move around within SA through the years, unfortunately, it was one of the things I left behind (in error!).......thinking about it now, I'm not sure why I wanted to hold onto it for so long anyway, perhaps because it reminded me of visiting my Nana & Papa when we were younger, and they had those waterbottles in our beds to warm them up, and I loved the fact that they still felt warmish in the morning.

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