
My son had a biology test today. I asked him to revise last night but he said that he didn't need to because the teacher had said that the first half of the double lesson could be used to revise. I picked him up at 10:45am for his orthodontic appointment and on the way there I asked him when his biology test was. He said 11:20. Perhaps he should've revised last night after all !
The orthodontist gave him a ticking off for not brushing his teeth properly. (Or not at all on some days). He has two adult teeth missing (an x ray has revealed this). There are the teeth next to the two front ones. The orthodontist suggested that he gets implants but he will have to wait until he's an adult before they can be put in.
I then went straight to work for my lecture (hubby dropped me off).
In the evening I went out with Sally and Celia.

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