Backwards With Time

By thebigpicture


This spot is often referred to as "Girls Sunday Rocks" it is on B-Bluff here at camp. This spot is a great spot for thinking, talking, singing, and celebrating. The woman in the center in green is named Jan. Jan is the daughter of Sandy and Laura Sanborn who are the founders of the place I work. Sandy and Laura were extremely large characters who made a HUGE impact on peoples lives and even though they have both passed away, their spirit is very much alive!

Amount of people influenced

- 100,000+ kids through our school program
- 20,000+ kids our month long summer camp program
- Countless number of random individuals (staff, visitors, friends, family)

This place has changed my life and helped me realize what I care about and what is important to me. If it were possible to thank Sandy and Laura I would, the only way I can is by spreading their legacy and their love of Earth!

Also, take time and sit under a tree, I did that today and it isn't done enough!

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