E = MC2

It's a numbers game ....

HwGBF - 24 hrs + (2 x T&B + 2 x HN + 1MPCC + 2 x GJCD + 1 x McC CC) - (2A + 1TRF) = 1 x MGC

resulting in
1 x 9731 PS + 70m NMcAH.

OK, for those of you without A Beautiful Mind ... this is how the numbers crunch

I'm 24hours away from spending 8 days away with my Gladiator BF, and have managed to stow away:
2 Slices Toast and Butter
2 Hob Nobs
1 Massive Piece of Carrot Cake - really, only one? Oh maybe it was two pieces.
1 x Greggs Jaffa Cake Doughnuts - SERIOUSLY THOUGH, JUST HOW GOOD??
1 bag McCains Crinkle Cut Crisps
1 x Pimped up Pizza big enough to kill a horse.
= 1 Massive Guilty Complex (and a sticky out belly)

countered with

2 Apples
1 Ton Rabbit Food
9731 steps on my Paedo Meter
and 70 minutes of Nell McAndrew Hell in front of the telly.

In my defence, we had a 50th birthday in the office and the cake was displayed right next to my desk. Also, I did get up at 5am to get into work early and have been operating at 6.5+ stress levels, increasing to almost 8.5 as the end of the day approached. Got it all done though. Now I'm on holiday and it feels great.

E=MC2, Big Audio Dynamite, 1985

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