
Do they look confused to you? They should. We're studying for our OMM Exam 2 that is bright and early tomorrow morning (8am). At 8pm, I had the realization that I could probably just stop studying for the exam and watch a movie and I would be just as prepared.

[Mmm... in hindsight, I was 100% correct.]

Today was pretty sweet. Maybe I will be bringing back my "5 things that made me happy today" lists. Hmm, I shall.

Here it goes:
1. Got to sleep in a bit. I don't know what it is lately about my bed, but it is damn near impossible to get out of it in the mornings. Maybe because my apartment is so frigid. And my sheets are so soft. And my pillows are more numerous than the stars. That sounds about right.

2. 2 lectures on the eye this morning. My favorite organ for sure. And our histology professor asked the class if anyone wanted to be an ophthalmologist. HELLO. It "sounded" like he was offering a research spot in his lab... but when I talked to him after class, it suddenly sounded like he isn't interested in having medical students work in his lab with him. I need to get the story straight. But I have renewed passion for my future profession. I cannot wait to be a doctor. It's going to be so fulfilling. For real.

3. Caught up with my mom today. They never call me anymore. I think they think they're always going to be interrupting me. I would like a little more contact, please and thank you. She had a long awaited surgery this week and it was successful and she's recovering well. Huzzah.

4. Study/Work out session. I am kinda amazed at my ability to retain information that I read whilst I'm on the treadmill. I was astounded at the detail that I was able to recall when Brighton was quizzing me tonight. My brain is back. Where the hell has it been?! (Mmm. I have a theory.)

5. Not being the only one that feels lost with this information for our exam. That's a really comforting feeling when you're in such a competitive program. My best friends are ridiculously brilliant and we sharpen each other's knowledge for the benefit of all of us. I love how we work together. And if these two feel like they're lost, then I know I am not delusional.


I'm bringing back the 5 things that make me happy because I need the encouragement. I need positivity. I need to look back on these days and see that every single one of them was filled with something wonderful that made me smile. Because, I am damn sure that I smile and laugh every single, solitary day. Smiling is my favorite. And there is so much stress around me that it can really bring you down. Not to mention everything else that isn't even worth being expounded upon because of its fleeting nature.

In ten years, if I could give my (present) self a piece of advice, it would still be: Chill out.

I'm in this for the long haul. Even though I was born with wings and it's hard for me to stay in one place for such a long time, I can invest myself here. It's the right thing to do and it's where I'm supposed to be.

Considering going local. Not until December though -- Brighton made me promise. Is that even possible? I highly doubt it, but it gives me something to concentrate on. Or... not concentrate on.

thinking of my granddaddy today. love you and miss you always.

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