
Or even "Coughin'". A very dusty site, with loads of mortar dust in the air. We wear masks, but still get irritated lungs :(
Anyway, last day, and so, of course, we found a skeleton an hour before home-time :/
Very usefully, this burial had well-preserved coffin wood, should be good for a C14 date, if we can wrestle the cash out of the church to get the wood analysed. The slightly red colour of the bone is because the soil is quite full of the depth to which we had to excavate, there was a layer of iron-pan (basically grit cemented together by rust), so my hands and wrists are aching.

We went to a gig with my big sis, JimH, bethceol and stealthmummy in the evening. Excellent music, terribly flirty company ;)

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