Art Miller

By artmiller

Look before you leap...

"Dave, do me a favour. Get away from the edge. You`re making me nervous..."

"It`s alright, Terry. I`ve got me hard hat on."

"That`s OK if you`re lucky enough to fall on your head, but..."

"You worry too much, mate. What`s the worst can happen...?"

"Well... Your legs section will fall off and you won`t be able to poke it back in."

"Hmm... You`re right, Tel. P`raps I`d better step back a bit -- or sit down like you, you big sissy."

"At least I`m safe..."

"Not if I decide to boot you over the edge, you`re not!"

"You wouldn`t...?"

"Just joking, mate."

"I do wonder about you sometimes, Dave. You appear to have underlying psychopathic tendencies."

"Oh, put the bloody kettle on and break out the biscuits."

"Good idea, Dave. Help me up, mate"

"Get up yourself. Last one back to the spaceship buys the beers tonight -- !!"


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