Something of a `still life' morning. I'd hoped to do more collecting and gathering but it didn't quite turn into that kind of week. I've been inspired by a book by Angie Lewin called Plants and Places. The way she uses colour gives things a rather 50's/60's feel, which I'm not entirely sure I like but I do admire her ability to simplify line and capture the essential elements of plants and other natural forms.
A walk on Alnmouth beach this morning as we were dropping my dad at the station so he could catch an early afternoon train back to Leeds. A grey, grey morning - my best photo of the morning was almost a repeat of this one, though today there was more sand covering the groynes and less interest in the sky.
Some sun in the latter part of the afternoon and I was able to spend a pleasant hour watching a small flock of Sanderlings and Turnstones feeding on the edge of the sea as the tide came in, while Redshank, Curlew and Oystercatchers snoozed on the rocky outcrop cut off from the shore. No tripod meant no photos worthy of sharing, just a few notebook shots for my record.
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