fovea centralis

By fovea


this photo needs no explanation other than:
Kathryn + O'Brien + Brian + Alcohol.

today was fantastic for many reasons.

first off its Friday!

omm test was over before 9am.

anatomy lab: we are currently neuro and i got to saw off the calvaria (skull cap) today. My first look at the brain was breath-taking. it was the coolest thing ever. Our bodies are so amazing. My lab/tank mates are awesome. Props to Haley & April for staying after lab was over, after we all left to continue the dissection. You ladies Rock!

dinner with friends. block party. crazy drunk dancers. and good times.

backblip: surprise
backblip: sunslats

looking forward to the DO Dash tomorrow: a 5km race/ fund-raiser my school is sponsoring. I miss my early morning workouts--going to start that again soon. I have been working out in the evenings--maybe my sleep will improve with morning workouts.


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