The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Autumnal Colours?

Not yet apparently!

Was planning a lazy old day, full of lounging in pjs and finishing my book. This just about happened, however my plans were dashed at around 2pm, when I was coaxed into helping my old bird walk the dogs. I agreed, and we set off towards my gran's to pick up both her dog and a friend's loopy spaniel. Deciding a change would be nice, we visited a rarely used walk 'round the back of Bennachie... Turns out to be the steepest walk EVER! Slight exaggeration maybe, but only very slight. Never made it to the top in the end, though in my defense we were very close :P

This picture was taken from the lowest branch of a pine tree I had stupidly decided to climb... However I soon realised that a) the surrounding trees were mostly evergreen and so the desired "autumy colours" shot was largely unattainable, and b) I had no clue as to how I was going to gracefully descend from said tree. I got down eventually, though I looked about as nimble as a dodo (and look how they turned out)!

On another note, we stopped off at a shop on the way home to pick up some much needed refreshments. It was naturally decided that I, being the scruffiest of both of us, should go into the shop. Mother requested a lottery ticket. Which she did not get, as I was ID'd at the checkout. Thinking back to this time last year - on my 18th birthday to be precise - I PURPOSEFULLY headed out to my local co-op to (legally) buy alcohol for the first time. Did they ID me then? Of course not. Tried another shop, the same thing happened. Either I have somehow turned into Benjamin Button's curly-haired sister or the world has gone mad! Grumpgrumpgrump.

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