As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

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I took the PSAT today. It wasn't as hard as I thought, considering how little (not at all) I prepared for it. After that, I went to the Nassau Coaches Meet at Bethpage. I ran in the sophomore race and came in 4th. That's great and everything, but I didn't get the time I was hoping for... It was really windy. Alyssa and Kaitlin came to watch us today. It was really nice of them. The boys sophomore team won third place and the girls varsity won first! So overall, it was a successful meet for Wantagh.

Now I'm home, exhausted, video-chatting with Avery, Jaclyn, and Kaitlin. Cool kids staying in on a Saturday night!

Word of the Day: Askance - With suspicion, mistrust, or disapproval

#6 ~ Go to the bathroom before taking the PSAT.

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