What You Looking At......

Up fairly early this morning (for a Sunday) and fired up the BBQ for breakfast (it has to be cooked otherwise Hector wouldn't know it was a Sunday!). Afterwards we headed out to the Mt Tomah Botanic Gardens via Kurrajong on the Old Bells Line of Road.

We spotted this guy at the side of the road and made a swift u-turn! The owner was down in the field and let us come down to get a closer look at his wifes "pet". The Hairy Coo is a favourite of ours, we miss popping out to Pollock Park in Glasgow to check out the cows they have there!

Anyways home now to Roasted Pork for dinner and Apple Pie for dessert, its a beautiful day and I'm sitting out on the veranda enjoying the rest of my Sunday.....work tomorrow.....blah !

Here are a few others from today.....

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