For the family

By RonaMac


This is not what I planned to blip today, but following SparkyMarkie's graphic descriptions of certain bodily functions in his blip yesterday and Macbatts comment, I felt that I should respond!!

A suggestion to Mrs "SparkyMarkie", how about something like this for his next birthday cake!! Must have the collection of assorted sized chocolate coated sweets surrounding the cake for maximum effect.

An added fun observation will be to watch who is happy to choose a piece from the right hand side and who will only have a piece from the left!!!

This cake was made for me by the midwives several years ago when the heard that I was "retiring" and threw a surprise party for me. What they didn't realise at the time was that I was only giving up some of the less desirable elements of my job (managing a £500.000 budget, the staff and writing endless reports etc) to concentrate on the clinical elements of the job which I have always been passionate about.

A rare occasion when inadequate communication paid off for me. I have continued to work with them and only retired this week.

The cake says a lot about my specialist subject. No I do not intend to go on Mastermind; I'm rubbish at general knowledge!!

The chart on the right hand side of the cake was affectionately known by the midwives for many years as "R?.'s poo chart", not personally produced I hasten to add. When one of the companies produced the chart with its correct title and copyright, I obtained permission to use it for teaching and in any articles that I published.

I did inform the company as to the manner in which the chart had been used on this occasion, but as we had eaten the evidence (and enjoyed it) they had no complaints!!

The original items for today's blip will be held in readiness for one of those emergency days.

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