Mr Ben

By SteveCatchBacon

Biker Chic

Well I'm not sure Jayne would agree that it is chic but functional and waterproof it is.

We had what will probably be the last ride out for this year in glorious sunshine. It wasn't too hot in all the gear either. A really nice time of year for riding, as is spring, so long as it is dry.

We went to Seaways cafe at Fridaythorpe which is not open as much as it used to be out of consideration for the local population. We met Phil and John there and Jayne and I shared a bacon butty. The cafe is owned andrun by an ex police motorcycle lady (at least we assume so as her picture is on the wall) who also serves on.

The return journey was through Wetwang (stop sniggering at the back) where we sometimes stop for lovely fish and chips. On through Warter, Pocklington and home via lots of other lovely villages.

Jayne is still polishing her riding skills, having only passed her test this summer but she did really well on all the twisty twindy roads. I tried several 'action' shots but my pan and shoot skill are, er, limited.

There's always next spring.........

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