just things

By faeriesigh


It was another lazy day here today, none of us woke particulary early. Well, Caitlin wasn't here as she's stayed over her friends, Arwen was still tired out from her busy day yesterday and Josie was taking advantage of her weekend of work. Asha was up early-ish as she had to be at work for 10am.
So, we just pottered about really. I snuggled up on the sofa with Arwen to watch Mrs Doubtfire which we both love - "It was a drive by fruiting" LOL Then we headed over to Gresham to pick up our nephew who's staying with us for a couple of days as he's coming to see Bowling For Soup with us tomorrow night.
On the way back, we drove down a little lane in order to find the curious church that we've spotted on our journey's there & back (& I think I may have blipped before) and we did find it. It's a little church in a place called Thorpe Market. I only had time to get a few photo's but I will definitely go back, it's great there.

And thank all of you that commented on my 300th blip - I had no idea until I actually read the comments! Wow! 300 blips - that's gone by fast! Then time always does when you are having fun :)

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