
By mattleach

Autumn Beauty

Damn, is the weekend over already!

Had a nice an easy day today.

A walk around a car boot sale to look at the junk people try and sell. I was hoping to find a few props for my photos but there was n't anything remotely interesting.

We had a lovely carvery at The Washford Mill. It's been years since I went there and they've really done the place up. Probably the nicest restaurant meal I've had in a while!

Back home for a short rest and a quick photo of Mrs L, then off to find out Will has passed his green tag in Taekwondo. Well done fella, you were awesome tonight! One of the best at sparring and easily closest at kicking over the punch bags.

Now to find out who has been kicked out of X Factor. Nu Vibe for me I'm afraid.

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