Blips and blops

By Mags

But will it take the grand piano?

But will it take the grand piano? This is a question Mr Mags asks everytime I (or we) say "that's a nice house". On this occasion we think the answer is "yes, it will take the grand piano".
Had a lovely day - we were leading and playing at both services which went quite well I think and we spoke with Grounded too. With it being World Food Day we sang some appropriate songs all of which had a good rhythm - as an ex danccer I really don't get how people can stand still when such fabulous rhythms play! In the afternoon we went to Culross for a walk with the dog and coffee and the sun shone. This evening we went out for dinner to celebrate our 28 years together (well, 33 if you count the 5 before we got married and 37 if you count the years we were at school together - oh good grief are we that old??????). Anyway, a lovely end to a weekend of celebreations with 21sts, 40ths and our anniversary.

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