This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Stewart doesn't know where he is in anymore and neither do I.

It must be because we took an impromptu trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma today to the Philbrook Museum and gardens and then we went to Utica Square for a horrible lunch. We found this phone box after the horrible lunch and well it was just screaming to be blipped.

The morning started out normally enough. I slipped out of the house at dawn to buy two copies of the paper, which had a prominent article about Stewart and me. It was fun to read it across the table over breakfast before I decided we needed to get the hell out of dodge and head out on the highway...

Stewart leaves in ten days. We were hoping he could extend his stay for a few more weeks and I might be able to go back with him, but this is not the case...

Only ten more days....dislike. :(

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