The "Super Save"
Jake's team played their rival in the second game of the playoffs and emerged victorious! They will proceed to game 3 on Tue.
This is the opposing goalie. The son of a friend and colleague. Great athlete. A senior this year and this is his FIRST year playing soccer. I sooooo wanted to Photoshop in a Superman cape!
All day I have been uploading and editing soccer photos from the entire season... in perfect Minute Marcie style, I waited til the "last minute", and am paying the price. Not because it was the last minute... not because I spent hours processing because I shot in RAW to make up for my lack of lens (and no, I don't mean ME in the RAW... get your head out of the gutter)...
Because I snacked all day to get through it.
Tomorrows Menu:
Water and a leaf of lettuce.
I may splurge and add a slice of lemon to the water... Woohoo.
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