Salt Water Creek

We won the game last night - that made me extraordinary happy - I was nervous, then very hypo & so excited that I couldn't sleep......a very small price to pay for a magnificent exhibition of top rugby skills.

This morning dragged myself out of bed, it was foggy which made it even more dark. The mist was starting to lift as I left for work. I cross this bridge on my way into Timaru, it looked rather attractive (in a gloomy sort of way) as I crossedover it, parked the truck and took three pictures. There was a little duck in this originally but disappeared when he saw me, what a party pooper!!

Possibly better in large.

Busy busy day at work and I am pooped.


PS - thankyou for all your comments etc on yesterdays blip - I was a little unsure about the treatment I gave it, but you seemed to enjoy it :)

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