Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Bath smiles

Typical Morning
8am: Elizabeth wakes. Daddy plays with her while getting ready for work and while Mummy snoozes.
8.30: Elizabeth's breakfast
8.50: Dress Elizabeth
9am: Mummy showers & dresses while Elizabeth watches the mobile in her cot
9.20: Elizabeth goes into the bumbo seat while mummy sorts out the next activity.
9.25: Elizabeth is now bouncing and spinning in the door bouncer while mummy makes and eats her breakfast.
9.45: Elizabeth and mummy chill out for 10 minutes watching the telly
10am: Elizabeth is fast asleep in bed.

Mornings are exhausting!

We're off to the cinema this afternoon to see It's a Wonderful Afterlife. I don't really know much about the film, but I do love our cinema outings.

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