By ANDY597

Men in boats

Im planning to go back to work tomorrow (Monday) regardless of how im feeling, so for the first time since being off, I don't feel guilty about leaving the house.

Its Sunday, which is a non working day for me and dad has suggested that we take the boat out if the weather is nice as he has fixed the control unit. My cold is bothering me today and being on the sea will either kill me or cure me. Its either pneumonia or bust, so I err on the side of caution and I'm north faced up to the max to keep dry and toasty? Everybody else is wearing just a jumper as its relatively warm out there.

Dad states that he is glad John is coming to reverse the trailer (as clearly I am incompetent) thanks for the vote of confidence old fella??

Dad and Eric are coming, as is our friends Ian and John and we are planning to have a bit of a carry on.

I tow the boat down to port seton and waldorf and statler moan the entire way there and the entire way back that the trailer is bouncing too much which clearly must be my bad driving. Have you seen the states of Edinburghs roads recently, trying to avoid a pothole would be like trying to avoid Mp's stealing their expenses. It's a bit like the delay in the tram project, theres nothing that I can do about it??

After some keystone cops launching of the boat, we get it in the water and everybody has donned their life jacket as quite honestly we are fearing for our lives.

Dad and Eric go for a shot, and Eric is piloting the boat, however Dad seems to be doing some sort of weird lean to one side routine, he must have thought that he is on a motorcycle side car rather than an inflatable rib? Oi Eddie Kid, sit down and stay still your frightening the fisherman??(who think that he is about to fall overboard and are threatening to phone the coast guard)?

He tries to defend this system by saying that's what you do in ribs, when your trying to make it turn sharply, you lean to one side, Im sorry father, perhaps you have this boat mistaken with a Kawasaki, or one of those little single sail, sailing dinghies that fall over to one side when you change the direction of the sail?? cos you see people regularly hanging out one side of your 4.5 meter inflatable rib right enough??

He wont admit it, but he was just having fun and larking around and this is from the man that says he doesn't like ribs much?. Your still my hero dad, except now Im going to call you the unknown stuntman.

Its particulary choppy out of the harbour but the boat copes relatively competently, but theres no opportunity to really open it up as its too rough.

Todays photo is John looking all captain pugwash? shortly before he almost fell in?

I get home and there is an entire pot of cream dulux paint splattered over the entire length of the hall, Connie comes through and says that while trying to put it away in the cupboard, the entire tub fell on her head. Oh that would have been a Kodak moment, priceless.

Waldor & Statler

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