Lali's World

By Lali

Abandoned and neglected 1 - An old damaged door

Finally decision made! I will run a second series of abandoned and neglected or damaged stuff. Join me if you wish!

I was off today, and it's been pissing down relentlessly, all day long! Very cold and a bit windy as well. Horrible weather! Not the best day to go out and about taking pictures, I would say! I had to go out because I had to buy a few things, that's when I took this picture (the only one I took). But, since I came back, I haven't moved from the flat, not even to go to the gym, which I like to do on my days off.

So, apart from meeting a friend for lunch and going for my wet shopping trip, I haven't done much. Today I submitted three entries to the Bank of Scotland photography competition. I've seen some of the other photos and there's some really good amateur stuff out there! The competition is tough! Now, for every entry you submit, £1 goes to projects run by the charity Save the Children, a very good cause, so I think I'll submit a few more. If anything, I'm contributing to a good cause, and you can submit as many as you want!

Now, chilling out and trying to get through my list of things to do.

Thanks very much for your nice comments and stars on my latest bit of experimentation. To be honest, I was not really convinced about it, but hey, you liked it! I hope you all had a nice day and better weather as well! :)

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