The Photo Diary of Alison

By alisoncrawford


I am down in C.C. now, yay! Got into town around 3:30 today and met up with my friend Amy down at the man-made beach. Before she arrived I walked a ways down the jetties and cut my foot on a rock; ouch, that hurt! It still does actually. A bit later, Joe met us and we talked, and I took a dip, and we took photos and laughed a bit. Joe's mom made vegetarian fettuccine Alfredo and then we worked it off via Wii Fit! Pretty sweet! Quite a workout. Yesterday I bought my ticket to Seattle. So that's exciting, and then about a week later I'll be going to New Mexico to visit the grandparents. And then possibly going to Mexico at some point. And if everything works out, we will be going to teach in S. Korea. I hope I can get quite a few days subbing to make some money since I obviously have a billion things going on. Busy busy, but life is good. PEACE in a not so peaceful world.

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