Heaven Under Feet

By BeautifulLife


Whew! What a busy day I had. I was in meetings from 10:00 to 1:00 and then had class from 2:00 to 4:00 which means I didn't have much time for blipping.

My evening was spent meditating - contemplating the crossroads I find myself at. I left meditation briefly to check my email and discovered I had received a message from a close friend who was enquiring about my dilemma. I wrote back informing her I was thinking. She, in turn, sent me a picture of "The Thinker" wondering if I, too, was sitting in my office chair, naked, contemplating life. I wrote back assuring her I wasn't, but if that was something I wanted to do in the privacy of my home, I would.

Since I have no proper blip this evening, I decided to post the image my friend sent. It speaks volumes to me at this moment.

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