Shells and bees

By Shelby


Well, today was an interesting one.
There was lightning today, and I got all excited because this meant I had another chance to achieve my goal of taking a spectacular lightning picture. Failing to realize that lightning most often comes with rain, I was about to leave when my sister stopped me and forced me into looking up the weather. I did so with a grudge, and seeing there was a 0 percent chance of precipitation, I made my way out.
The very moment I found the perfect spot to take pictures, which was quite a ways from my house, it started pouring. not raining, pouring. As if Mother Nature thought it would be hilarious to dump a couple million tons of water on us as soon as we exited the car.
In fear for my camera's life, I chickened out and decided to go back home, which also happened to be the most terrifying drive I've ever been on in my life.
Once I got home, I looked at my phone and questioned why the Weather Channel failed me so terribly. I opened the app, and there was my problem.
I checked the weather for Austin, TX. Not McKinney, TX.


To make up for it, me and my friend just played with light painting and got some interesting shots.
I will get an amazing picture of you one day lightning, if it's the last thing I do!

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