
By Juleshki


Over the rainbow....

The only downside to capturing this beautiful rainbow in the sky was that it came with its' own downpour which landed heavily upon me. But it didn't last long, the sun came out and the rain stopped and my beautiful rainbow melted away and was gone forever.

My half dozen or so pictures of the fleeting rainbow were taken at the end of my walk this morning, just as I got back to the house, having walked along a stretch of the canal but in a different direction to the one I normally make.

It was April showers out there this morning, left, right and centre and at one point I sheltered under a quite narrow bridge with one man and his dog, a Red Setter as it happens, who was happy to see me and wanted to get to know me better - the dog by the way, not his owner...

Both my camera and I have now dried out.
Off to see a doctor now about a knee.... catch you later!

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