Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


We are trying out the baby monitor for the first time tonight. Elizabeth is in our room, in the moses basket and we are in the study on our computers. She's only needed us twice so far, and not for ages. Hurrah! The monitor is a cool new toy. It plays music to her, it has a night light and we can talk to her through it. I'm very impressed. Plus we used tesco vouchers to pay for it, so it was a bargin.

Today we've been to the city. I was brave and fed her in public for the first time. Although we did find a spot at the back of the food court where we were unlikely to be disturbed. But tbh, I was feeling less uncomfortable about feeding there than I do when I'm feeding at the in-laws, which I do quite often. So I think I'd be quite happy doing it again. I suppose it's the difference between feeding in front of strangers and in front of people I know.

Elizabeth has been smiling more and more over the last week, especially in the mornings. And she's started making cute little noises now and then.

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