Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Barbershop Weekend

I am excited! No really I am! On Friday I am travelling North to LABBS Barbershop Convention. I have been singing with Second City Sound for two years but could not go last year as my niece was getting married.

This year I am going with silver bells on! I have been promised that I am going to love it. Apparently there is lots of singing and lots of drinking. Two of my favourite things combined!!!!!!

This is my fleece which we will be wearing on Saturday before we compete. It is still in it's wrapper as it is about the only thing I have packed so far. Whoops.

I also have a very limited wardrobe at the moment with me still carrying some baby weight so I think I am going to be sitting in my pants on Friday waiting for my clothes to wash.

Fab, fab, fab.

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