ijil Rainbow Hawk Giver

By ijilRHG

Kitten Reclamation ~ Later That Week

Here are just two of the little ones from the seven that showed up on Saturday (a bit of a rant ~ be prepared).
As requested here are the best shots from today.
These little ones seem to be settling in just fine. They love to be handled and stroked which is great for us ~ they are so soft which we adore.

Other Kitty Photos from today ~ in Good Cat Company:
Best of friends always
Tuesday 18 October 2011
Sunny spot
Cat Burglar
How can I possibly cut the grass in my yard?
Cat enforced lie in....
New purple Pom Pom ..
Little pussy
Racheal's kitten learning how to climb!
Trying To Get Him To Look Straight Into The Camera
The Watcher
Sun bathers
Its Rude to Spit
Cozy in Kitchen
4 o'clock cuddles
In her eye
Kitten Reclamation ~ Later That Week
Tuesday 18 October 2011
Cat in a Basket
Evil Cat says "I know where you live!"
A Regular Visitor
First blip with my new long lens...
The other cat we don't own.
Kitty Kat
Strange bedfellows.
I can haz bizkwits now ..... yes?
Back up blip
You lookin' at me punk?
Monotone Pusscat
the cat next door
Back on Drugs
Four eyes good, two eyes best?
Whiskers Maketh the Cat
Tuesday 18 October 2011
Last minute to blipnightHeating up

Weird Note:
Seriously its only noon where I am and already there 15 CAT photos. (I have added more since noon).
ALL OF YESTERDAY there were only 23 cat photos from the entire day that I could spot (17 October 2011). I like this one Work out
Is this going to be a record breaking CAT photo day?

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