Daunti's world

By daunti

having some tea in the sunroom

Here goes the story...

I saved her from the trash yesterday. My sister was cleaning out her garage and told me to come and check out some Halloween stuff she was getting rid of. My sister knows I am the queen of Halloween, I just think it is such a fun holiday. So this is how I met Gretchen as I call her. I placed her in my car in the front seat next to me, buckled her in and on the road to her new home we went. Of course we had to make a few stops on the way which amused the ones who had the pleasure of meeting her.

So here she sits in my sunroom enjoying the day and having some tea in one of my antique tea cups, may I add. I promised my sister I would take good care of her and as you can see I keep my promises. October being Gretchen's favorite month I know she will be making many blip appearances over the next few weeks.

And may I add, Gretchen is a good witch, just sayin...

...{day 1}...count down till Halloween series with Gretchen

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