
By Poppy


Had to go into the town for an appointment today so had a hunt about in the charity shops and the joke shop, which sells, amongst all sorts of strange and unsavoury items, a huge selection of material and fabrics, ribbons, braids, trimmings and sewing bits and pieces.

I managed to come home with a Wallis jumper, two cardigans, some flowery braid, a lovely embroidered tray cloth and a very, very long skirt. I don't know what I will do with the skirt, as it is made up of panels, cut on the bias so tricky to take up neatly, especially as about four inches needs to be lopped off! Alternatively it will make very nice cushions or bags. My crafty impulses keep coming up with "good ideas"!

Also bought a men's black weatherproof Mackintosh. An old original, beautifully made and exquisitely lined with gorgeous metallic green and red striped satin material. Sadly it is too small for the Postie (I knew it would be but I just wanted him to see how lovely it was!) so it will go back to another charity shop next time I'm in town.

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