The journey continues...

By Lbell

A crazy day

I am exhausted after the orphanage today! Left late cause Zach who I was going there with decided to shower 20mins after we were supposed to leave lol. When we arrived the kids were at the Plaza so we pretty much headed straight there. They were so crazy and hyper today and there was lots of screaming and crying and fighting. The highlights of my day were keeping the kids away from the tortoises which they like to hit in a nearby garden, stopping Trinny from crying (she screams the house down at the smallest little thing), stopping the kids from killing a lady's dog (they kept carrying it and dropping it and even put it in the baby's swing!) and helping the girls, who conveniently forgot to go to the toilet before leaving, go in a nearby bush which wasn't too successful to say the least. At least my day wasn't boring! One of the girls painted my nails which is the photo today as I didn't take my camera to the orphanage, that was probably the calmest part of my day! The pic isn't great but there's little pink dots, so sweet! Back again tomorrow but leaving early cause its my bday :)

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