Is it Spring?

Spring blossom on a day which felt like winter. Rain, rain and more rain lashing against the windows with a bitterly cold wind whistling and whirling around the house. I had to venture out and tried to snuggle into my coat but the rain stung my face while the wind nearly picked me up and sent me flying!! I could've easily been Mary Poppins today - would've been a rough ride through the sky!!

I was stuck for a blip and its been in the back of my mind all day. A few shots here and there and nothing really grabbing me - from my verandah is our neighbours spring blossom which is a little out of focus because of the wind. Mind you I've been up since 3.45am so I guess anything could be out of focus today. I'm fine Daughter E had a 4am start at the bakery this morning and only has her restricted licence - can't drive before 5am. Thought I would get the sunrise but no sunrise today!! All plans turned to custard - early night for me I think.

Hope the weather is being good to you :)

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