Clix : Aperture Wide Shut

By clix

Meat Market

Edinburgh Meat Market circa 1884.

120 years later it turned into a different kind of meat market; a nightclub.

The meat market (orignal use) only lasted until 1920 when it was moved out to Gorgie.

Then the building became Fat Sam's restaurant until 2001 when that closed and it became a nightclub.

Eventually the nightclub closed, the building fell into disuse and was pulled down for new office blocks.

The main archway was kept and moved along the street a little to stand on its own looking rather sad.

A real shame that the archtects couldn't have incorporated the listed entrance into the main building as the local residents wanted. Or maybe Scottish Widows thought it would look better here than as part of the new building?

It now stands like a modern day folly completely incongruous.

(Google map link to where this is)

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