Mr Ben

By SteveCatchBacon


On Sunday Jayne chose two Fantails and I chose two traditional Koi to add to the four Ghost Koi (and exiled Devil Fish - though technically he cant be included) They came from A19 Koi which is a bit of a treck but Paul there is an enthusiast as well as a businessman and really looks after the fish and their environs. It's one of those places where you can just tell as soon as you walk in that someone cares about the customer as well as the business.

Another feature of the day was looking for a farm shop that had a Sunday joint (beef not reef) this was a fail. We ended up in Tesco for the meat.

So today(or is that yesterday as this is a backblip?) in between trying to sort IOS5 issues, I got the big camera out (along with polarising and uv filters) to try and capture some fishy pics. The results were poor. I think it is the restricted aperture I was using, to try and get the depth of field, that is making things too slow and dull. Must try harder and possibly deploy the old tripod. Pretty as they are, these fish are a bit shy and not given to posing. They were tempted up for food but this is always a short lived outing.

I'm now left with Steely Dan's Hey 19 buzzing around my head now as the soundalike road always triggers this earworm. I like their sickly sweet kind of jazz, all very clever but too much of it makes me a bit queasy.

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