Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Onwards and Upwards

If I'd still been there this afternoon I think I would have jumped in! It has been a frustrating afternoon, although I have got one significant piece of work out of the way, just need to push on tomorrow and get the other stuff out of the way. I can then look back on this week and know that it has been a productive week, which is not often you can say that but it is surprising what you can do when you get some peace and quiet.

This blinking cold has come back with a vengeance as well, this is week three now, and I usually get through something like this within a week. I'd better dose up again tonight, stay in and feed the cold. Well that's what they say don't they? Lol!

A bit more work to do tonight, but hopefully I won't need to work on the rest of the week, plus working till 11pm last night on my laptop didn't help me get much sleep.

Onwards and upwards as they say!

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