A year of adventure

By sjones

Days 13 and 14

This morning I did some sorting out of things and chatted to Will about a few things. Then this afternoon I got to go out to Hopewell private game reserve with Will to see a cheetah. Will darted the cheetah from the van and then we had to check him over and take some DNA samples. It was amazing. The cheetah is about 4 years old and a gorgeous boy. It was fantastic to get that close to a wild cheetah and to be able to pet it =]! I got to help out a bit more this time where there was no film crew around. It was awesome =]. Will took two lots of blood samples, a fur sample and a swab from the cheetah's cheek. They were doing this analysis to check the DNA of the cheetah so that when they bring a female in to breed with him, she is not a close relative. Here's me and the Cheetah.
This evening it is the social sports evening at the club and so there should be some people around to play cricket.

Yesterday I sat with Will and had a look through some of the business stuff that goes on here this morning, which was interesting. Later on this afternoon some of the rangers from the reserve came up to the club and we sat on the deck and chatted and listened to music. This evening I spoke to Sam and Mum on the phone, which was lovely.

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