It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab


Brrrrrrrrr it was cold today. Tonight mum and I persuaded daddy to light a fire! We haven't had one since the chimney fire but it is all fixed now and ready to light.

I helped daddy light it. I brought him my green plastic bone as I thought it could be useful as a log?! Then I helped by picking up bits of coal and running off with them *giggle* he said that wasn't very helpful, especially as he had to chase me around and around the kitchen table for 5 minutes to catch me! I LOVE that game!

I don't like matches much. When they strike and light I get all scared and tail waggy. I tried to jump on daddy for a kiss and cuddle. Again he said that it wasn't really very helpful of me!

Now it is lit I am VERY happy and love stretching out in front of it. I think mum and I will be arguing over the furry beanbags to lie beside it tonight! guess who will win?? ;-) I will give her "the eyes" it works everytime!

We need some more practice with the camera and shots of me beside it. It was very hard to get us both in focus. I know this pic isn't the best but I wanted to show you how lovely it is!

I hope everyone is keeping warm? Apparently there is going to be a frost tonight, so snuggle up tight.

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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