Everything goes

By Knottymanda


So I was tidying out my mums attic and came across an old fisher price toy I used to play with non stop so I gave it to my children to play with,Josie 2 and Rob who is nearly 4.they have had it for about 2 months now and it is still as new and don't forget it was already almost 20 years old before they got their sticky jam mitts on it!

But when cleaning today I noticed the state of a toy they got last Christmas and how bits are missing and pieces are broken off it when it wasn't even played with that much!

Are toy companies making toys as breakable as possible so that the unsuspecting parents will have to go out and buy a new expensive piece of plastic when their child breaks there's with simple play?

May stick to attic finds from now on because toys I used to play with 20 years ago are much more robust!

Rant over.

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