This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today was a wild ride...

Started off sad, spent an hour crying on the phone to Jennifer and then went to get my passport taken care of and started to feel better. Then I went home and got an email from Stewart who was at the studio. He was telling me that he was indeed staying until late November!?! I am beyond thrilled!

Then I got a skype call a while later and Stewart was standing in front of a blank space on the wall of his studio where our Question of Chemistry paintings are on display and he told me the exciting news that he had just sold one of our more expensive paintings from the series!!!! I was speechless.

So a bad day can turn around in the most amazing ways. I know this, but sometimes I forget. I am so glad to have more time with Stewart, I am so proud of myself for finally doing something I had been putting off for a long time, and I am thrilled and grateful for the painting sale and my beautiful friends. I am lucky to have so many.


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