Capital adventures

By marchmont


Bit of a political blip today. This is the anti-capitalism camp that has been set up around the Melville Monument in St Andrew's Square. They're handing out free food and drink but there didn't seem to be many takers. The building at the back, on the other side of the Square, with the flag and flagpole is Dundas House, which since 1825 has been the HQ of the Royal Bank of Scotland. Could be said to be a bastion of capitalism.

I had an interesting, and enjoyable, morning. Been a long time since I had an interview. Will wait to see if I'm what's wanted. It was a lovely day for it - cold but bright and sunny. I forgot to switch off my phone and about 10 minutes in the strains of 'Fur Elise' came wafting through the room - friend Y phoning to say 'good luck'! Sounded a bit like church bells, which was appropriate as we were in Greyfriars.

I met another John Smith today - my guiding guide. The time was put back which allowed for a coffee and a fine piece at the NLS,a little retail therapy in Boots, long chats to E and Y, and then an amiable walk down the Royal Mile. We went many places I'd never been before, funny how you can be a stranger in your own home town, and ended up at the Parliament for coffee and another, less fine, piece. We discovered we'd both been in KL in June so had a good chat about what we'd each seen and done, and eaten! John must be well into his 80's but is still ceilidh dancing - good on him!

Unfortunately the weather has changed - drizzly and cold now. The flat is freezing as P downstairs is away and there is no residual heat. Brrr!

Off tonight for a meal in the Town.

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