
By Echo

Time Warp.

Today didn't turn out as expected.I had made arrangements to give a friend a lift early this morning. Then because her son's flight had been delayed returning from holidays I arranged to take her shopping this afternoon. I had just got in when the phone rang and it is was my daughter -in -law asking if i could look after my youngest grandaughter as the older one had fallen in the park and cut her chin open and she thought it would require stitches or the alternative that they use now. My son came to pick Cassie up after work. I then realised I had no blip .
Into the garden for some pictures. I came to upload them and Oh No! I had forgotten to change the date on my camera. I had got away with it because I must have been taking my blips ,since arriving home, within the 9 hour time difference so I was within the same day.I changed the date and took a quick blip but the book I was blipping slipped. I loaded the picture to see what it was like. I rather liked the strange effect. It sort of represented my day rather well.

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