It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

I LOVE the vets!

This morning mum took me on my morning walk and I was sooooo excited because we ended up at the vet for my weight check!

I LOVE it there. As soon as we turn down the road I pull mum's arm off to get there faster! Then as soon as Jo my nurse opens the door to her room, I shoot across the waiting room to get to her and then throw myself on the floor for a tummy rub! Jo gives the BEST tummy rubs. She makes my back legs go all twitchy, it really tickles *giggle*

My weight is really good. In fact I am not really allowed to put on much more because of my long skinny legs! I'm not a 'chunky' Labrador you see, I'm a slight one, a working one! I'm 22.8 kilos now! Mum & daddy are very pleased because I didn't have the best start in life, what with being so poorly in my tummy & then allergic to everything! I'm now on a great diet & am having nice healthy treats. I never have food from the table. I'm a very good girl :-)

I overheard them talking about be being spayed at the end of November. I'm not sure what that is but I did hear that I get to spend the WHOLE day at the vet! Yipppeeee! Tummy tickles all day from Jo. I think I will like that! Mum seemed worried about it though. I don't know why?!

I'm sorry my photo is a bit blurry but I just couldn't keep still and mum only had her phone camera with her, but I hope you can tell how much I love Jo!

A much more exciting day so far compared to yesterday! I'm off for a piece of stinky tripe now, YUMMY :-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

Look Look at this blip! It is fab :-)

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