days I'll remember

By bassrockbob

Simply Irresistible

Got to the bike shop five minutes after opening this morning to beat the rush; as it turned out, the place was fairly quiet, so the whole transaction was over very quickly. Scarily quickly! I am now the proud and slightly excited owner of black:
- bike
- mudguards
- rack
- long-sleeved merino T
- winter socks

Now I have to wait two weeks while it comes from the manufacturer and gets built :(

PS that is not me, neither is it my new bike.

Models can't dance

On a more sombre note, I hope I'm not alone in finding this morning's tabloid celebration of a man being beaten half to death and shot to be in dubious taste, to say the least. I cannot believe that mob brutality is a meaningful response to state brutality. Sermon over.

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